


Iskandar Putri区巴哈伊社团的代表Mr Hua Keng Tong,华景同先生,各位来自远北马、吉隆坡、新加坡、台湾、上海和柔佛新山一带的亲戚朋友们,我是今晚新娘子李施谚语的父亲,欢迎大家在百忙中抽空前来,参加今晚施谚和家荣的婚礼,我也想趁这个机会讲一点儿心里的话。为了节省大家的时间,我已经把讲稿写好了,现在就让我把它念出来。









(The speaker, who is the father of the bride thanked the Baha’i representative Mr Hua Keng Tong and guests, who came from the North, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Shanghai, Taiwan and JB local for their attendance and their offering of gifts. He mentioned that it was an unforgettable moment for the couple for the date has been written down on their marriage certificate which is a binding document that provides the legal foundation for the new family. It is also a token of love and responsibility and when they recalled this day in the future they will remember all those who had presence and that will certainly bring them joy and happiness. 

He said that the guests have just witnessed the taking of Baha’i Vow by the couple and that is a spiritual law. In the future should there be any different of ideas and viewpoints they are urged to follow the principles of God instead and should belief that it was a correct guidance.   

He congratulated the new couple for have chosen their partners out of their own choices.  The parents were happy that they have familiarized with each other’s character and consented with the wedding ceremony to carry out today and gave them their heartiest congratulations and wishes.

He said that he was happy to get to know the in-law’s family and their wider circle of relatives.  He said he will visit them in the near future in order to know each other more. He hoped that his daughter will get along with the in-law’s family in perfect harmony in the future.

He said he was happy to see that instead of the parent taking the main role the wedding affairs was fully arranged by the couple themselves and they chose the way how it is going to be conducted. It was truly an event for them. The parents were informed and consulted on major issues only. He said that this was a spirit of cooperation and hopefully it will last forever in their future life.

He said that he was moved to mention that Leva’s sisters, Shirin and Neda had composed a sentimental song themselves and presented it to their sister on this occasion. In this song they reflected the happy memories of their childhood days. It was a 5-minutes song with the lyrics and music sang and played by them and had successfully presented it before the audience as they all had just witnessed. Congratulations for their performance. It gave the parents a great deal of consolation for it reflected the harmonious relationship between the sisters. 

Lastly he hoped that the new family will always open their home to the community and friends and welcome all goodwill visitors and that they will involve in activities pertaining to social building thus contributing their effort to the wellbeing of mankind.)       






