


以下是故事和音乐的双语介绍,有意前往聆听者还可以从这里买票。这个别开生面的音乐会在本月31日下午3时举行,地点在士古来大学城附近的Taman Flora的赋格音乐学院。

There will be a musical festival on 31st August 3.00PM at Shirin Lee’s music center in Taman Flora near Taman University. In this two hours event a fascinating story written by Shirin will be recited by an American retired professor and while reciting it will be intercepted by piano music on various themes performed by artists well trained in this field.  The music will further enhance the beauty of the story and the narration elaborated the purpose of music. The group of youths is trying to blend music and literature together in a single performance which is rare in this area. Friends interested in this art performance can book your ticket by contacting me or Shirin Lee.  


Children’s Fantasy

Written by: Miss Shirin Lee Xiang Fan. Narated by: Prof. Robert Fledger. Translated by Shirin Lee Xiang Fan and Mr. Lee Hoy Chin.

Here’s a story about the magical experience of a seven-year-old boy, Ivan. He is an active and smart boy who has puffy black curly hair and a pair of big bright eyes. Ivan has a baby sister, she is the princess of the house, everyone showers her with love. This summer, they will travel to another country with their parents. This trip was long awaited for the whole family.

After a few hours of flight, the family finally arrived at the destination. “Here we are! Here we are!” Ivan cried out excitedly. {Piano: Of Foreign Land and People} 

Along the street of this foreign land, Ivan and his family are enjoying the beautiful scene and greenery landscape.  The trees are dancing in the breeze, birds are busy chatting, and the radiant sun warms the land. The people are nice and friendly. Two of the curious siblings ran around. Everyone is smiling and waving to them. Oh! This is such a wonderful summertime! {Summertime} 

The lilacs are in full bloom, the sweet fragrance filled the air. It attracts many butterflies around the bush of flowers.  {Lilacs} 

On the way to the hotel, Ivan is immersed with the beautiful architecture. From far away, he saw an ancient pagoda. Ivan can even hear the bronzed bells ringing from the building. {Pagodes}

“Ivan! Come help us out with the luggage!” By the time they arrive at the hotel, mummy asked Ivan to help, they have a lot of bags to carry into the room. While Ivan is helping, his little sister is screaming, wanting him to play with her. “Ivan! Take this into the room please!” “Yes, mummy!” Ivan is now running here and there! Ivan is very busy! {Ivan is very busy}

Ah! Finally, bags are all in place. TIME TO PLAY!! Ivan and sister wander around the hotel room. Everything is new to them! “Wow! The room is big! See who runs to the bed first! Come catch me if you can!!” Ivan and sister run in the room in a circle like a tornado. {catch me if you can}

“Let’s jump on the bed!” Ivan suggested, “We can jump so high! It’s so fun!” The two children are full of happiness and excitement. They lay on the soft fluffy bed with burning red cheeks and sweaty clothes. {Perfect happiness} 

“Oh, what is this place?!” Ivan wide awake with shock. “Watch out boy!” Ivan almost ran into a big beard man. This is a colourful village, every house was painted in different colours and decorated with candies and chocolate. At the heart of the village, there’s a well-decorated stage. The red velvet curtain on stage slowly pulls open which reveals the clowns, dancers, and amagician with a shiny colourful costume. “Welcome to Carnival Village!” The host welcomed the crowd. “Wait! Is that an elephant behind the magician?!” again Ivan had his jaw dropped. {Carmen Overture}

Slowly, Ivan and his sister are falling asleep. The bed is so soft and warm, the breeze from the window is blowing on the cheek. {Falling asleep} 

In the dream world, everything is so sweet and beautiful. The air smells like flowers. The cloud looks like cotton candy. The grass is soft and tender. {Dreaming}

Suddenly, all the colours fade away. And Ivan falls into a swirl that leads him to an unknown world!! {Aquarium}

A grand hot air balloon slowly landed beside the stage; a black colour doll walked out from it. “Golliwog! We are waiting for you. Let’s go dance!” The clown greeted Golliwog and led him to the stage. Golliwog then started his sarcastic dance imitating the elegant prince charming, the crowd rewarded him with a great laughter. {Golliwog’s cakewalk}

While Golliwog is mimicking a clumsy dance, a spotlight of the crowd focuses on an elegant ballerina. “Wow! She looks like a doll!” Ivan can’t take his eyes from the ballerina. Together with him, a clown standing beside Ivan. The clown is holding a tiny ukulele, his big red nose cannot hide his love in his eyes. He totally immersed himself with every movement Ballerina took. Everyone in the hall kept silent to watch the ballerina dance. {Dance of the doll}

The clown made his way out from the crowd, wishing to join the dance of ballerina. But his steps are so clumsy that it brings laughter to the crowd. Ballerina can’t help her smile on her face too. Even though the dance is not perfect nor elegant, they managed to finish the dance together. The crowd gave them a big applause out of happiness. {Alborada Del Gracioso}

Suddenly, the lights turned red, followed by a sharp evil laughter. Everyone is terrified and runs around to find a place to hide. When everyone was in chaos, Ivan saw a figure appear high in the sky. “That’s Babayaga!! Run for your life!” The clown was screaming. “Ah!! Help!” Babayaga caught the ballerina like an eagle catching the prey. Things happen so fast, when everyone hears the scream of the ballerina, she’s already high up in the air. {Babayaga}

“Hey, clown! I have a rocking horse, let's go rescue ballerina!” Ivan felt hilarious with his thought after he said it out loud to the clown. To his surprise, the rocking horse turned into a handsome pony. “That’s perfect! I was thinking of borrowing a rocking horse from the prince charming. Thank you, Ivan!” said the clown. Quickly, he loaded all his instruments at the back of the pony. Drums, guitar, trumpet and some weird looking instruments Ivan never knew the name. {Knight on the Rocking horse}

“How do we know where to find the ballerina?” “No worries,” said the clown, “Babayaga is living in a castle on the snowy mountain, guarded by the mountain king.” Then he pulls out a scroll of map from his pocket, pointing out the way to get there.

In the journey, the air is turning colder, the sky is dimmer, the woods are denser. Suddenly, Ivan feels something tiny, and light are falling on his cheek. “It’s snowing. We are now in the Winter town. Soon we’ll arrive at the castle.” said the clown. This is the first time Ivan sees snow, the snowflakes are so glittery and dancing in the wind. {The snow is dancing}

“Whoa!” Ivan was amazed by the size of the castle. It was so huge! The door was so gigantic that they couldn't even reach the doorbell. “TONG TONG PEEP PEEP PEEP!!” While Ivan still tries to figure out how to ring the bell, the clown already took out his drums and pipes to make noise. “Now I know why you’re bringing those instruments!” Ivan raised his voice; the drums are too loud! “Yes! How clever I am!!” The clown was happy with his decision. {Out of door with drums and pipes}

Suddenly, the ground is shaking followed by a heavy footsteps sound. Ivan’s heart is racing fast and the clown too, his eyes are widening, and he stopped the messy instrument playing. Two of them froze out of fear. {Mountain King}

“Did you bring anything other than instruments?” whispered Ivan. “No, I didn’t.” “Oh no, what are we going to do?” Ivan is so scared; he hides behind the clown. “Should we run?” quickly they ride on the pony. But the pony turns back to rocking horse. “NOO! Not now!” They were trapped. The clown pulls out a wooden sword from nowhere. And passed it to Ivan. Two of them rocking the rocking horse, one holding a wooden sword, one playing the trumpet loudly. {Dance of the Knight}

“AHH! I hate children!! No, I’m having a headache now!” the mountain king grumbled and ran away from them. Left Ivan and the clown at the entrance of the castle. “Yeah, the mountain king just opened the door for us! Let’s go!” Very soon, they found the ballerina and brought her back to the Carnival Village. {Liebestraum}

In the Carnival Village, all the friends are celebrating the return of the hero and the loving ballerina. {Finale}

“Ivan, wakeup! Bright and shine!” the gentle voice of mummy wakes Ivan up. “What a dream.” {Morning mood}






曲目:Foreign land and people(黄振斌)








曲目:Ivan is very busy(李湘凡)


曲目:Catch me if you can(李欣庭)


曲目:Perfect happiness(李欣庭)


曲目:Falling asleep(李湘凡)






曲目:Carmen Overture(李湘凡&李欣庭)


曲目:Golliwog’s cakewalk(李欣庭)


曲目:Dance of the doll(黄振斌)


曲目:Alborada Del Gracioso(李欣庭)




曲目:Knight on the Rocking horse(李湘凡)



曲目:The snow is dancing(李湘凡)


曲目:Out of door with drums and pipes(黄振斌)


曲目:Mountain King(李湘凡)


曲目:Dance of the Knight(黄子恒)






曲目:Morning mood(黄振斌)





