
To teach is, to a great extent, the art of listening. If you will listen to the one you want to teach and find out what he wants and needs to hear then you can start your treatment by giving him, from our teachings, the right answer, the right remedy….. 

Teaching is excellent discipline for the personal ego, for to teach successfully you have to put yourself in the background and subdue your will and self- expression enough to be a sensitive receiving instrument that will pick up the seeker’s correct wave length. If you tune into that person you can commune with him and through that sympathetic thought you can begin to let the light of the Cause into his mind, you cannot force yourself into another person’s soul or pound the truth into him just through sheer conviction that you are right. ——Ruhiyyih Rabbani.

传教基本上是聆听的艺术。假如你能够听出他要的是什么,及要听些什么,你就能够从教义中找到适当的答案,把你的诊治给他……传教需有自律,驯服自我,把对方放在前面,把自己放在后面,压抑蠢蠢欲动的发表欲,直到你的节奏和他的相等,这才能取得成功。当你和他的节奏同步之后,你就可以和他沟通。以一种同理心将圣道的光辉照进他的心里。而仅仅强调你的正确,并不能将真理打入他的心坎。 ——鲁希叶‧拉巴尼。


……In the process of declaring themselves they must, in addition to catching the spark of faith, become basically informed about the Central Figures of the Faith, as well as the existence of laws they must follow and an administration they must obey. ——Universal House of Justice.



In countries where teaching the masses has succeeded, the Baha’is have poured out their time and effort in village areas to the same extent as they had formerly done in cities and towns. The results indicate how unwise it is to solely concentrate on one section of the population. Each national assembly therefore should so balance its resources and harmonize its efforts that the Faith of God is taught not only to those who are readily accessible but to all sections of society, however remote they may be. ——Universal House of Justice.






