

It is a self-evident fact that phenomenal existence can never grasp nor comprehend the ancient and essential reality. Utter weakness cannot understand absolute strength. When we view the world of creation we discover differences in degree which make it impossible for the lower to comprehend the higher. For  example, the mineral kingdom, no matter how much it may advance can never comprehend the phenomena of the vegetable kingdom. Whatever development the vegetable may attain, it can have no message from nor come in touch with the kingdom of the animal. However perfect may be the growth of a tree it cannot realize the sensation of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch; these are beyond its limitation. Although it is the possessor of existence in the world of creation, a tree nevertheless has no knowledge of the superior degree of the animal kingdom. Likewise no matter how great the advancement of the animal it can have no idea of the human plane; no knowledge of intellect and spirit. Difference in degree is an obstacle to this comprehension. A lower degree cannot comprehend a higher although all are in the same world of creation, whether mineral, vegetable or animal. Degree is the barrier and limitation. In the human plane of existence we can say we have knowledge of a vegetable, its qualities and product, but the vegetable has no knowledge or comprehension whatever of us. No matter how near perfection this rose may advance in its own sphere it can never possess hearing and sight. Inasmuch as in the creational world which is phenomenal, difference of degree is an obstacle or hindrance to comprehension, how can the human being which is a created exigency, comprehend the ancient divine reality which is essential? This is impossible because the reality of divinity is sanctified beyond the comprehension of the created being man. ——Abdu’I-Baha.

现象的存在不可能捕捉及理解,那恒古及必需的真实,这是不言而喻的。极度的弱小不能理解无限的强大。当我们注视这创造的世界,我们发现,不同的程度形成不同的层次,下面的层次不能理解上面的层次。例如矿物不管进步到何种程度,也不能理解植物现象。植物不管进步到到何种程度,也不能接收动物的讯息,或与动物产生接触。一棵树不管长得多么完美,也不可能产生视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉,这是超越它的局限的。虽然一棵树在创造的世界里有它自己的存在,但是它对更高一层的动物却浑然不知。同样的,动物不管进步到什么程度,也不可能对人有个概念,它们不会明白智力和灵魂为何物。层次的差别是理解的阻力。活在人这一层次的我们,可以说对一棵蔬菜我们是了解的,知道它的性质和产物。但是蔬菜对于人的事懵然不知,更不用说了解人。不管这朵玫瑰在它的领域内发展的多么接近完美,也不可能产生听觉和视觉。创造的世界是现象的世界,而层次之不同是理解力的绊脚石,人作为一个创造物如何能了解那必需的、古老的神圣现实?这是不可能的,因为神圣现实远远高超于创造物人的理解力之上。 ——阿博都-巴哈。





