
 ……European philosophers, . . . say  that the principal  method of gaining knowledge is through the senses; they consider it supreme, although it is imperfect, for it commits errors. For example, the greatest of the senses is the power of sight. The sight sees the mirage as water, and it sees images reflected in mirrors as real and existent; large bodies which are distant appear to be small, and a whirling point appears as a circle. . . . Therefore we cannot trust it.

 ……ancient philosophers . . proved things by reason, and held firmly  to logical proofs, all their arguments are arguments of reason. Notwithstanding this, they  differed greatly, and their opinions were contradictory. They even changed their views; that is to say, during twenty years they would prove the existence of a thing by logical arguments, and afterwards they would deny it by logical arguments. So much so, that Plato at first logically proved the immobility of the earth and the movement of the sun; later by logical arguments he proved that the sun was the stationary centre, and that the earth was moving. 

……Therefore it is evident that the method of reasoning is not perfect;……——Abdu’l-Baha.... 








