







China Tablet

China, China, China, China-ward the Cause of Baha’u’llah must march! Where is that holy sanctified Baha’i to become the teacher of China! China has most great capacity. The Chinese people are most simple-hearted and truth-seeking. The Baha’i teacher of the Chinese people must first imbued with their spirit, know their sacred literature, study their national customs and speak to them from their own standpoint and their own terminologies. He must entertain no thought of his own, but ever think of their spiritual welfare. In China one can teach many souls and train and educate divine personages, each one of whom may be become a bright candle of the world of humanity. Truly I say they are free from deceit and hypocrisies and are prompted with ideal motives.

Had I been feeling well, I would have taken a journey to China myself! China is the country of the future. I hope the right kind of teacher will be inspired to go to that vast empire to lay the foundation of the kingdom of God, to promote the principles of divine civilization, to unfurl the banner of the Cause of Baha’u’llah and to invite the people to the banquet of the Lord!

For the last twenty years I have repeatedly emphasized the matter of spreading the Cause of God. In every city there must be organized assemblies of teaching-classes to teach the young how to teach the Cause and prepare them for this most important service.

Every Baha’i must acquire the lessons of teaching. This will yield results. No other service is as important as this. This service of the promotion of the Revelation of Baha’u’llah is the most confirmed service. Every time, one service holds the most supreme importance. 

There is one season to harrow the ground, another season to scatter the seeds, still another to irrigate the fields and still another to harvest the crop. We must attend to these various kinds of activities in their proper seasons in order to become successful. Now is the time of seed-sowing, but it seems to me some of the believers are thinking about crop-getting. This will give them no results. Whosoever is thinking of any other things is wasting his time.

The promotion of the principles of Baha’u’llah is the most dominant issue before the believers of God.






