
Therefore, laws and regulations should be established which would permit the workmen to receive from the factory owner their wages and a share . . . of the profits, or in some other way the body of workmen and the manufacturers should share equitably the profits and advantages . . . It would be well . . . that laws be established, giving moderate profits to manufacturers, and to workmen the necessary means of existence and security for the future. Thus, when they become feeble and cease working, get old and helpless, and die leaving children under age, these children will not be annihilated by excess of poverty. And it is from the income of the factory itself, to which they have a right, that they will derive a little of the means of existence. ——Abdu’l-Baha.. 



Now, if his income be equal to his expenditures, from such a farmer nothing whatever will be taken. That is, he will not be subjected to taxation of any sort needing as he does all his income. Another farmer may have expenses running up to one thousand dollars we will say, and his income is two thousand dollars. From such an one a tenth will be required, because he has a surplus. But if his income be ten thousand dollars and his expenses one thousand dollars or his income twenty thousand dollars he will have to pay as taxes one fourth. If his income be one hundred thousand dollars and his expenses five thousand, one third will he have to pay because he has still a surplus since his expenses are five thousand and his income one hundred thousand. If he pays, say, thirty five thousand dollars, in addition to the expenditure of five thousand he still has sixty thousand left. But lf his expenses be ten thousand and his income two hundred thousand, then he must give an even half because ninety thousand will be in that case the sum remaining. Such a scale as this will determine allotment of taxes  ——Abdu’l-Baha..



Baha’u’llah states that a person should be free to dispose of his possessions during his life time in any way he chooses, and it is incumbent on everyone to write a will stating how his property is to be disposed of after his death. When a person dies without leaving a will, the value of the property should be estimated and divided in certain stated proportions among seven classes of inheritors, namely, children, wife or husband, father, mother, brothers, sisters, and teachers, the share of each diminishing from the first to the last. In the absence of one or more of these classes the share which would belong to them goes to the public treasury . 



There is nothing in the law of Baha’u’llah to prevent a man from leaving all his property to one individual if he pleases, but Baha’is will naturally be influenced, in making their wills, by the model Baha’u’llah has laid down for the case of intestate estates, which ensures distribution of the property among a considerable number of heirs. 






