
Humanity, whether viewed in the light of man’s individual conduct or in the existing relationships between organized communities and nations, has, alas, strayed too far and suffered too great a decline to be redeemed through the unaided efforts of the best among its recognized rulers and statesmen—however disinterested their motives, however concerted their action, however unsparing in their zeal and devotion to its cause. No scheme which the calculations of the highest statesmanship  may yet devise; no doctrine which the most distinguished exponents of economic theory may hope to advance; no principle which the most ardent of moralists may strive to inculcate, can provide, in the last resort, adequate foundations upon which the future of a distracted world can be built. ——Shoghi Effendi.



…… the Spirit breathed by Baha’u’llah upon the world . . . can never permeate and exercise an abiding influence upon mankind unless and until it incarnates itself in a visible order, which would bear His name, wholly identify itself with His principles and function in conformity with His laws. ——Shoghi Effendi.



 ….The administration of the Cause is to be conceived as an instrument and not a substitute for the Faith of Baha’u’llah, . . . it should be regarded as a channel through which His promised blessings may flow . . . . ——Shoghi Effendi.



……The machinery of the Cause has been so fashioned, that whatever is deemed necessary to incorporate into it in order to keep it in the forefront of all progressive movements can, according to the provisions made by Baha’u’llah, be safely embodied therein. ——Shoghi Effendi.



. . . Personalities should not be made centers around which the community may  revolve but . . . they should be subordinated under all conditions and however great their merits to the properly  constituted Assemblies. ——Shoghi Effendi. 






