
Just as the animal is more noble than the vegetable and mineral, so man is superior to the animal. The animal is bereft of ideality; that is to say, it is a captive of the world of nature and not in touch with that which lies within and beyond nature; it is without spiritual susceptibilities, deprived of the attractions of consciousness, unconscious of the world of God and incapable of deviating from the law of nature. It is different with man. Man is possessed of the emanations of consciousness; he has perception, ideality and is capable of discovering the mysteries of the universe. All the industries, inventions and facilities surrounding our daily 4fe were at one time hidden secrets of nature . . . According to nature’s laws they should have remained latent and hidden, but man having transcended those laws, discovered these mysteries and brought them out of the plane of the invisible into the realms of the known and visible. ——Abdu’l-Baha....






